Insects, Diseases, Pests & Weeds
There are many good aspects about growing vegetables in Colorado (lots of sun, low humidity, lower insect and disease pressure). However plants are not immune to complications from insects, diseases, and weeds. See below for a variety of resources on how to safely and successfully grow your plants when faced with these challenges.

What’s Wrong With My Plant?
Do you have questions about why your plants are looking like they should be on the clearance rack? Are they wilted? Spotty leaves? Damaged fruit? Grow & Give is here to help!
Our new ‘What’s Wrong With My Plant?’ guide will walk you through the problem you’re seeing and help you to figure out what might be causing the issue. Once you know the issue you can click through to one of our videos linked in the guide to find out more. You will also find additional videos and resources below about insects, diseases and weeds.
How does this guide work?
We have divided this guide into plant families or those with similar growth habits and characteristics. Most members of the family are susceptible to similar growing issues. As you determine what family your plant is you can then ask where you’re seeing symptoms. This guide has divided symptoms into four main categories: stems, fruit/flower, leaves, and roots.
- Allium Crops: onions, leeks, garlic
- Bean Crops
- Cole Crops: broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage
- Corn Crops
- Cucurbit Crops: cucumbers, melons, squash
- Lettuce Crops
- Solanaceous Crops: tomatoes, peppers, potatoes
Do you have a ‘bug’ problem? Use this resource to help you narrow down the culprit!
The below chart will help you find out what insect might be ‘bugging’ your crops. Once you’ve narrowed it down, check out the videos and resources below to find out what to do to help mitigate the issue.
Click on the chart to view a zoomable image in a new tab.

Insects & Pests
- VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL: Afidos (Aphids) (3:16)
- VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL: Alticinos (Flea Beetles) (9:04)
- VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL: Minador de la Espinaca (Spinach Leaf Miner) (3:22)
- VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL: Psílidos (Psyllids) (4:27)
- VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL: Tijerillas (Earwigs) (4:39)
- VIDEO: Aphids (3:31)
- VIDEO: Brassica Caterpillars (3:33)
- VIDEO: Colorado Potato Beetle (4:41)
- VIDEO: *NEW* Corn Earworm (5:04)
- VIDEO: Cucumber Beetles (6:16)
- VIDEO: Earwigs (4:37)
- VIDEO: *NEW* Flea Beetles (8:50)
- VIDEO: Grasshoppers (4:20)
- VIDEO: Harlequin Bugs (3:09)
- VIDEO: Hornworms (4:37)
- VIDEO: *NEW* Mexican Bean Beetle (3:32)
- VIDEO: *NEW* Psyllids (4:24)
- VIDEO: Spider Mites (5:39)
- VIDEO: *NEW* Spinach Leafminer (3:10)
- VIDEO: Squash Bugs (6:02)
- VIDEO: Thrips (7:01)
- COURSE: Guess Who Came to Dinner? Part One: Chewing Insects (46 mins)
- COURSE: Guess Who Came to Dinner? Part One: Chewing Insects (46 mins)
- COURSE: Guess Who Came to Dinner? Part Two: Insects/Mites That Suck Fluids (51 mins)
- COURSE: Gardening for Insects or Not! Part 1: Butterflies, Moths, Natural Enemies/Bio-Controls (52 mins)
- COURSE: Gardening for Insects or Not! Part 2: Bees (52 mins)
- WEBINAR: Pollinators in the Vegetable Garden (44 mins)
- Corn Earworm – Planttalk #1468
- Factsheet: European Earwig
- False Chinch Bug – Fact Sheet #5.603
- Flea Beetles – Fact Sheet #5.592
- Flea Beetles on Vegetables – Planttalk #1446
- Grasshopper Control in Yards and Gardens – Fact Sheet #5.536
- Greenhouse Whitefly – Fact Sheet #5.587
- Harlequin bugs– Fact Sheet #5.569
- Factsheet: Hornworms and Hummingbird Moths
- Japanese Beetles – Fact Sheet #5.601
- Factsheet: Millipedes, Centipedes and Sowbugs
- Potato or Tomato Psyllids – Fact Sheet #5.540
- Psyllids – Planttalk #1458
- Squash Bugs – Planttalk #1482
- Factsheet: Squash Bug
- Vegetable Seedling Pests – Planttalk #1410

Plant Disorders and Diseases
- VIDEO: Bolting (4:27)
- VIDEO: Bitter Taste (3:26)
- VIDEO: Splitting (4:06)
- VIDEO: Germination Issues (3:53)
- VIDEO: Buttoning (2:28)
- VIDEO: Tipburn Leafy Veggies (2:18)
- VIDEO: Yellow/Green Shoulders (3:22)
- VIDEO: Tomato/Pepper Not Flowering (3:10)
- VIDEO: Tomato Reproductive Issues (2:53)
- VIDEO: Blossom End Rot (3:59)
- VIDEO: Tomato Leaf Roll and Edema (3:34)
- VIDEO: Potato Problems (5:14)
- VIDEO: Vine Crop Problems (5:00)
- VIDEO: Onion Family (2:27)
- VIDEO: Nutrition Problems (6:01)
- Blossom End Rot – Planttalk #1471
- Hail Damage – Planttalk #2014
- Hot Weather Impacts Vegetables – Planttalk #1830
- Tomato questions abound in heat – Planttalk #1835
- Water Related Problems in the Vegetable Garden– Planttalk #1826 Plant Talk
- Recognizing Tomato Problems – Fact Sheet #2.949
- VIDEO: Alfalfa Mosaic Virus
- VIDEO: Iris Yellow Spot Virus
- VIDEO: Tomato Mosaic Virus
- VIDEO: Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus
- VIDEO: Virus Diseases of Cucurbits
- VIDEO: Fusarium Wilt
- VIDEO: Verticillium Wilt
- VIDEO: Early Blight
- VIDEO: Septoria Leaf Spot
- VIDEO: Powdery Mildew
- VIDEO: Botrytis
- VIDEO: Rhizoctonia Canker
- VIDEO: Rusts
- VIDEO: Corn Smut
- VIDEO: Bacterial Speck and Bacterial Spot of Tomato
- VIDEO: Bacterial Wilt of Cucurbits
- VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL: Carbon Común del Maíz (2:47)
- VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL: Enfermedades por Botrytis (3:11)
- VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL: Antracnosis de Cucurbitáceas (2:25)
- VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL: Mancha Foliar por Septoria (2:37)
- VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL: Mancha y Mota Bacteriana (3:17)
- VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL: Marchitez Bacteriana de las Cucurbitáceas (3:49)
- VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL: Marchitez por Fusarium (4:35)
- VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL: Marchitez por Verticillium (2:31)
- VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL: Mildeo Polvoso (2:38)
- VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL: Tizón Temprano del Tomate (3:44)
- VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL: Royas (2:45)
- Common tomato problems – Planttalk #1834
- Powdery Mildew on Vegetables – Planttalk #1833
- Tomato Diseases – Planttalk #1442
- Tomato Early Blight – CMG GardenNotes #718
- Viruses in Plants – Planttalk #1443

Weed Management
- VIDEO: Dandelion and Henbit (1:15)
- VIDEO: Bindweed (0:56)
- VIDEO: Canada Thistle (0:40)
- WEBINAR: Weeds In the Garden (56:36)
- Grow & Give Weeds Info – Alyssums
- Grow & Give Weeds Info – Blue Mustard
- Grow & Give Weeds Info – Bur Buttercup
- Grow & Give Weeds Info – Common Mallow
- Grow & Give Weeds Info – Filaree
- Grow & Give Weeds Info – Foxtail Barley
- Grow & Give Weeds Info – Kochia
- Grow & Give Weeds Info – Plantain
- Grow & Give Weeds Info – Prickly Lettuce
- Grow & Give Weeds Info – Purslane
- Grow & Give Weeds Info – Russian Thistle
- Useful Weed ID Resources
- Vegetable Garden Weed Management
- Natural Herbicides for Landscape Weed Management
Check out these videos from CSU Extension to learn more from the experts!

Videos en Español:
Enfermedades en los vegetales
- VIDEO: Carbon Común del Maíz (2:47)
- VIDEO: Enfermedades por Botrytis (3:11)
- VIDEO: Antracnosis de Cucurbitáceas (2:25)
- VIDEO: Mancha Foliar por Septoria (2:37)
- VIDEO: Mancha y Mota Bacteriana (3:17)
- VIDEO: Marchitez Bacteriana de las Cucurbitáceas (3:49)
- VIDEO: Marchitez por Fusarium (4:35)
- VIDEO: Marchitez por Verticillium (2:31)
- VIDEO: Mildeo Polvoso (2:38)
- VIDEO: Tizón Temprano del Tomate (3:44)
- VIDEO: Royas (2:45)

Protecting Your Garden from Animals
- VIDEO: Protect Your Garden – Rabbits, Mice & Voles (15:06)
- VIDEO: Protect Your Garden – Squirrels (10:46)
- VIDEO: Protect Your Garden – Deer (11:15)
- VIDEO: Protect Your Garden – Raccoons (8:48)
- VIDEO: Protect Your Garden – Birds (5:47)