- Resources from CSU’s Planttalk website are brief articles to introduce you to the subject material and focused on the beginner.
- CSU Fact Sheets are more detailed and often include recommendations from CSU Extension specialists and agents.
- CMG GardenNotes are very detailed chapter-style resources written to train Colorado Master Gardeners.
- CO-Horts and Colorado Mountain Gardener blog postings are also included as more casual resources.
- VIDEO: Soils for the Vegetable Garden (12:58)
- VIDEO: Mulching for the Vegetable Garden (5:16)
- VIDEO: Climate in the Vegetable Garden (7:12)
- VIDEO: Fertilizing the Vegetable Garden (3:03)
- VIDEO: Watering the Vegetable Garden (3:14)
- VIDEO: Site Considerations for Vegetable Garden (7:33)
- VIDEO: Extending the Season: Floating Row Covers (2:56)
- VIDEO: Step-by-Step: Build a Raised-Bed Hoop Cover (17:36)
- VIDEO: Block-Style Planting (11:15)
- VIDEO: Setting Up Drip Irrigation (18:02)
- VIDEO: Garden Tools (15:07)
- VIDEO: How to Read a Seed Catalog (6:01)
- WEBINAR: What to Plant Now in Colorado (1 hour)
- CSU Extension Grow & Give Garden Plans
- Planning a Vegetable Garden – Planttalk #1811
- Vegetable Site Tips – Planttalk #1819
- Early Vegetable Planting & Soil Preparation – Planttalk #1843
- When to Mulch Vegetables – Planttalk #1850
- Choosing a Soil Amendment – Fact Sheet #7.235
- Vegetable Garden: Soil Management and Fertilization – CMG GardenNotes #711
- Mulches for the Vegetable Garden – CMG GardenNotes #715
- Vegetable Planting Guide – CMG GardenNotes #720
Need a Soil Test? Check out the CSU Soil Testing Lab